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St. Giles International - Cambridge

  • Cambridge
  • England
  • Language School

General Information About St. Giles International - Cambridge

St Giles Cambridge Language School is a world class language school located in Cambridge, England. The school offers students high-quality language instruction and is an ideal place to learn English. The school offers a variety of programs for students who want to learn English at different levels. Options such as General English, Intensive English, Business English, Exam Preparation Programs and Academic English Programs are offered. Private lessons are also offered. Students can improve their English skills with lessons tailored to their needs.

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St. Giles International - Cambridge Tuition Fees

General EnglishIELTS Preparation
2 weeks-926 GBP -----------------
8 weeks-3.144 GBP8 weeks- 3.144 GBP
12 weeks-4.440 GBP12 weeks-4.440 GBP
16 weeks-59.20 GBP16 weeks-5.920 GBP
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St. Giles International - Cambridge Accommodation Options

St Giles Cambridge Language School offers students accommodation options. These options include homestay, dormitory accommodation and private apartments. Homestays allow students to live with a family. This option offers students the opportunity to practice their English and learn more about British culture. Homestay is usually offered on a full board basis, including breakfast and dinner. Dormitory accommodation is an option where students live with other students. St Giles Cambridge Language School offers modern and comfortable dormitory options. Dormitory accommodation helps students establish social bonds with each other and practice their English. Dormitory accommodation is usually offered on a half-board basis, including meals. Private apartments offer students a more independent accommodation option. This option allows students to prepare their own meals and act on their own lifestyles. Private apartments give students more freedom and are often fully furnished and equipped. St Giles Cambridge Language School offers students accommodation options and offers solutions to suit the needs and preferences of different students. Each option is designed to support students' English learning process and ensure they have an enjoyable experience.

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About Cambridge

Cambridge is a historic city in the east of England. Cambridge takes its name from the world-famous University of Cambridge, located in the center of the city and founded in 1284. The city is also famous for its unusual architecture, historical buildings, wide green spaces and picturesque rivers. Cambridge has been an important commercial center since Anglo-Saxon times. In the 12th century, with the founding of Cambridge University, the city became a center of science and culture. The establishment of the university also triggered the construction of many historical buildings and monuments in the city. The most famous historical building in the city is the King's College Chapel, the main building of Cambridge University. This gothic-style building was built in the 15th century and contains many important works of art. Cambridge is also famous for its rivers. The River Cam runs through the middle of the city, and one of the most popular activities in the city is walking or cycling along the river. In addition, many parks and gardens in the city attract visitors with their natural beauty.

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St. Giles International - Cambridge Location

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St. Giles International - Cambridge

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