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Germany Master Degree

Our schools in Germany where you can study for a master's degree

37 universities found in Almanya
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Macromedia University Of Applied Sciences

  • Munich, Berlin, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Cologne, Hamburg, Leipzig
  • Germany

Cologne Business School

  • Cologne, Hamburg, Berlin/Potsdam, Ahen, Solingen, Mainz, Düsseldorff/Neuz
  • Germany


  • Berlin
  • Germany

Clausthal Teknik University

  • Clausthal-Zellerfeld
  • Germany

Heidelberg University

  • Baden-Württemberg
  • Germany

Bochum University

  • Ren-Vestfalya
  • Germany

Siegen University

  • Ren-Vestfalya
  • Germany

Wuppertal University

  • Ren-Vestfalya
  • Germany

Masters in Germany

What You Need to Know About Postgraduate Studies in Germany

General Information About Germany
Germany is a federal parliamentary republic with a population of approximately 82 million. Germany, a central European country; It borders developed countries such as Belgium, Netherlands, France, Austria, Switzerland and Poland. Germany, which has the third largest economy in the world, also attracts attention with its touristic destinations. It is considered one of the most populated countries among European countries. Germany is the second country with the highest number of immigrants after the USA. Germany, which has 16 different states in total, is in the temperate climate zone of Central Europe. It is a leader among European Union countries with its large population and economic development.

There are two basic structures in the university education system of Germany, which is also in a leading position in terms of education and training, and the use of science and technologies. These; universities with academic and research structures and universities providing applied education. In addition, the authenticity of historical monuments in Germany has been largely preserved until today. International fairs, which are also attractive in terms of tourism, make an important contribution to the commercial development of the country. Germany; It is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe with its historical texture, cultural structure, settlement areas that include modern and town life. It is also a place worth exploring with its deep-rooted history, art and nature.

Masters in Germany
Studying in Germany is among the ideals of many students around the world. German universities are elite in terms of quality of education. In addition, many universities in Germany are among the best universities in the world. It is normal for students who have graduated from German universities at or above the world average to raise the bar in their careers.

Another reason why Germany is preferred for undergraduate, graduate or doctoral degrees is that the region is safe in all respects. Compared to other countries, it is preferred because it is extremely safe both in rural areas and in city centers. In addition, when you study in Germany, you may encounter a wide variety of departments since the number of universities is high. For this reason, you can find a variety of training programs suitable for your personal interests and fields of study.

Course options in different languages and institutions that provide education in English apart from German also come to the fore in Germany. From an economic point of view, the cost of studying in Germany is much more affordable than in other countries. This situation also reflects positively on living costs, which is a very important issue for students. There are also opportunities to work while studying. Foreign students are allowed to work part-time in the country.

Germany Graduate Application Dates
Universities in Germany usually have two application deadlines, winter and summer terms. For those who will start school in April, there is usually a deadline of 15 January to apply. The application deadline for students who will start their education in October is usually until 15 July.

In order not to miss the application dates, you should definitely follow the dates of the university you will apply to. Do not forget that you must have all the documents required by the university you are applying to ready at hand during the application. Applications with missing documents will not be considered. Application processes are often kept short by German universities. Therefore, it is very important that you act quickly in preparing your documents.

Germany Graduate Application Requirements
The first requirement to apply for a university in Germany is the diploma of the school you graduated from. A certificate of qualification for university entrance, a letter of intent for the school you will apply to in Germany are among the other application conditions. You must also have German and English proficiency certificates. Generally, TOEFL 550 or IELTS 6.5 results are considered sufficient for English language proficiency, but of course this varies by school. Many universities in Germany also require you to prove that you know German. For this, documents such as TestDaf and DSH are required as application conditions. You must present a proficiency certificate from the university entrance German language test known as TestDaf or the German test exams (DSH).

In addition, students who want to receive undergraduate education must be entitled to study at a four-year state or foundation university as a result of OSYM placement. To enroll in an equivalent department in Turkey.

Of course, students who will apply from Turkey must also apply for a visa. Conditional acceptance of your visa application is required to study at university. If you fulfill all these conditions, you will have fulfilled the application conditions. For graduate applications, your undergraduate GPA is expected to be 2.70 and above. You can do a master's degree in the department you graduated from.

You need motivation and a reference letter that you will receive at your university. Both documents are highly regarded by universities at the application stage. Exam results proving that you know German are also required for master's degree. If you have received your undergraduate education in Germany, no special language proficiency criteria are sought at the graduate stage. Conditions for postgraduate applications may vary from university to university. In order to reach these conditions up-to-date, you can contact NG Global's professional consultant team.

In Which Cities In Germany Should You Study a Master's Degree?
Foreign students who want to study in Germany at the graduate or undergraduate level generally prefer metropolitan areas. As it is known, there is a state system in Germany. Therefore, each state may have its own set of rules. These conditions are a factor that directly affects the preferences of international students.

Munich, located in the state of Bavaria, is home to many universities around the world. Apart from Munich, we can say that cities such as Berlin, Stuttgart, Bonn, Hamburg, Cologne, Heidelberg and Frankfurt stand out. When choosing a city, you should consider the accommodation and transportation costs or the distance of the university campus to the city center.

Which Master's Courses are Popular at German Universities?
International students studying in Germany have preferred departments such as materials engineering and renewable energy in recent years. In recent years, specific departments such as nano technology and mechatronics have become popular. In general, engineering departments such as machinery, industry, computers, electricity, electronics and automotive come to the fore among the departments most preferred by foreign students. In addition to these popular departments, departments such as business administration, economics, psychology, medicine, law and international relations are among the departments that attract attention in Germany.

What is the Place of German Universities in the Ranking?
Germany is in a very good position in the world rankings for university education. It is seen that the Technical University of Munich is among the top 50 universities in the world. The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is the best technology educational institution in Europe. The university has a student capacity of approximately 40 thousand. Among these students, foreign students have a significant share.

· The University of Munich (LUM) is one of the few universities in the world in fields such as science and technology. The student capacity of the university, where 42 graduates received Nobel Prizes, is 51 thousand. International students make up 15% of the total student capacity. LUM is one of the top 66 universities in the world.

International students make up approximately 25% of Heidelberg University's 30 thousand student quota. 27 Nobel Prize-winning researchers graduated from this university. Heidelberg University is among the top 100 universities in the world.

· Berlin Humboldt University is among the top 120 universities in the world. The university is particularly successful in the fields of arts and social sciences. 55 Nobel Prize-winning researchers emerged from this university. Foreign students make up 15% of the 33 thousand student quota.

· The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) has a student capacity of 25 thousand, of which 25 are international. Ranking 107th in the world ranking, the university has trained 8 Nobel Prize-winning researchers.

In this type of success rankings, the satisfaction rate of the students who graduated from the university, the percentage of finding a job, the campus opportunities and the academic publications of the university are taken as a measure. These rankings are updated every year.

Free Education in Germany
Germany has a free education system. Free education is available for both German citizens and foreign students. Public schools in Germany are free and provide free tuition. Besides that, state-funded universities are also free. These universities charge only the registration fee and a few hundred Euros for part-time students.

However, private schools and some private universities may charge students a fee. In addition, students have to cover their own expenses such as living costs, accommodation and meals.

The education system in Germany offers a comprehensive and high-quality education. Both the free right to study and the low costs of higher education have made Germany a popular study destination for international students.

Undergraduate and graduate education at universities in Germany is free of charge. Public universities in Germany provide free education and are open to all citizens of the world.

Universities only charge a token fee of a few hundred euros from students. This is a fee that students must pay in order to benefit from some services. For example, this fee includes services such as cafeteria, library and gym. However, students who want to study at universities in Germany must know a certain level of German. Therefore, foreign students may be required to take German language proficiency tests. In addition, some programs require English language proficiency.

In summary, undergraduate and graduate education at public universities in Germany is free and open to all citizens of the world. However, students must have a certain level of language proficiency. For up-to-date price information, simply contact NG Global.

Frequently asked Questions
What are the Accommodation Opportunities in Germany?
While continuing your higher education in Germany, you can stay in university dormitories. University dormitories are generally for 2 or 3 people. Depending on the situation, you may have to wait for a while while settling in state dormitories. You must submit your dormitory applications during the admissions process. On the other hand, shared residences, hostels, family houses or private dormitories are among the other options for accommodation. Staying at the dormitory is accepted as an economically attractive option as well as establishing stronger social relations.

What are the Living Costs in Germany?
If you live in Germany as a student, you should know that the city you live in is the main determinant of living expenses. Especially since Munich and Frankfurt are among the most expensive cities in Germany, living expenses can be relatively challenging for students. Average monthly living expenses for students are in the range of 800-1300 Euros. This amount covers accommodation, transportation, food and beverage and other social expenses. Apart from these, your personal and private expenses, of course, significantly increase these expense items.

Is there YÖK equivalency in German Universities?
There is YÖK equivalence among German universities. This is true for almost all German universities. Therefore, you will not encounter any bureaucratic problems regarding your diploma. Your master's certificate obtained in Germany is also accepted as a graduate diploma in our country. However, before you start your education, you should check whether the relevant university is an exception regarding YÖK equivalency.

What can be the contribution of the consultancy firm to me in the application?
Crowning your application process with an experienced and professional consultancy firm like NG Global reduces your margin of error to zero. With the advantage of having years of experience in the field of education abroad, you can participate in a much faster and more complete application process. A qualified application dossier will positively affect your chances of being accepted.

You will have the confidence created by professional consultants against all problems that may arise during the application process. Also, you will never waste time in solving all these problems. Unfortunately, many students get frustrated at the end of their application period because of small details that seem simple. Working with professionals who have all the details in your file for you creates a great advantage for Turkish students who want to study in Germany. You can be a part of these privileges with NG Global!

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