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Iels Malta

  • Gozo
  • Malta
  • Language School

General Information About Iels Malta

IELS Malta is a language school that offers English language education to international students. Located in the capital city of Valletta, Malta, this school provides students with the opportunity to improve their language skills and explore the rich culture of Malta.

Among the programs offered by IELS Malta are general English courses, academic English preparation courses, business English programs, and preparation courses for exams such as IELTS and TOEFL. These various courses are designed to cater to students' language levels and goals.

One of the advantages offered by the school is the classes taught by experienced and expert English teachers. Education is supported by interactive learning methods and student-centered approaches, enabling students to rapidly improve their language skills.

IELS Malta allows students not only to practice in classes but also in extracurricular activities. These activities may include cultural excursions, sports activities, language exchange events, and social gatherings. This way, students can practice their English speaking abilities in daily life situations as well.

Additionally, IELS Malta provides logistical support such as accommodation, visa procedures, airport transfers, and more, ensuring that students can focus on their studies and have a comfortable experience in Malta.

IELS Malta provides an environment for international students to both improve their language skills and explore the beauty of Malta.

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Iels Malta Education Programs

General English

General English courses are a program that provides education on reading, writing, speaking, and listening to students. Classes prepare students for daily life. It helps with confidence for communication skills. These courses are suitable for students at all levels. It is a very convenient program to receive standard language education in Malta.

Intensive English

The Intensive English program is suitable for students of all levels who want to receive language education in Malta, and directs students to receive good language education by offering more lessons. The aim of this language course focuses on reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students will be able to progress faster in this language course.

Business English

It is a program that prepares students who want to receive language education in Malta but already have a certain level of language for business life. Business English lessons simulate business topics such as presentations, meetings, and negotiations, so you can also receive practical application of the topics covered in class. The lessons are highly interactive and engaging. It is designed to train students for the constantly growing and changing business life of today. It offers students all the tricks they need to prepare CVs and cover letters, and to write letters and emails effectively. Each lesson lasts 45 minutes.

Private Lessons

IELS language schools offer private lesson courses to students who want to receive language education in Malta but have very little time. It is a suitable program for all students who want to make progress in a very short time or want to focus on specific subjects. Students who want to take a language course in Malta can choose this special program of IELS language schools.

Exam Preparation Courses

One of the most popular exam preparation course programs in Malta is the IELTS exam preparation program. This course offers students a 10-lesson exam preparation and a 20-lesson general English program for IELTS exam preparation. The IELTS exam is one of the most important entry criteria for universities. It also provides comprehensive language education for the Cambridge Exam, which is also a very important exam. Throughout this language course you will be able to expand your existing knowledge and vocabulary. Teachers will also help students progress by monitoring their development.

Over 40s Programs

It is a special program organized for a certain age group among English courses in Malta. This language course is designed for students over the age of 40 to improve their English and socialize with people of the same age group. The classroom has a maximum capacity of 6 students and they receive 20 lessons per week. Expanding vocabulary in addition to reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills is one of the main goals of this program.

Teacher Training Course

This type of course, which is internationally recognized and accredited, is a program focused on teacher training. It will help students find teaching jobs anywhere in the world.

Summer School for Children

Summer school programs in Malta are quite popular, and IELS supports this with different program options. English courses for young students are designed to help young people and children learn English while having fun. With its subcategories such as summer camps (8-12 years old), family programs, holiday English (13-17 years old), it is a very comprehensive program. It also provides comprehensive services for group students.

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Iels Malta Tuition Fees

Yetişkin Kursları

Temel İngilizce Kursu1-7 Hafta8-20 Hafta21+ HaftaVakitMin SeviyeOrtalama Öğrenci Sayısı
Kurs Adı      
Genel İngilizce 20 Ders (15 Saat/Haftalık)255 235220Gündüz-Öğleden Sonra



Yoğun İngilizce 30 Ders (22.5 saat/Haftalık)365315280Gündüz-Öğleden Sonra



Mini-Grup İngilizce 20 Ders (15 Saat/Haftalık)350300280Gündüz-Öğleden Sonra



İşletme 20 Ders (15 Saat/Haftalık)270--Gündüz-Öğleden Sonra




*Yeni 30 Genel İngilizce 20 Ders 815 Saat/Haftalık)260240225Gündüz-Öğleden Sonra



Temel İngilizce Kursu1-7 Hafta8-20 Hafta21+ HaftaVakitMin SeviyeOrtalama Öğrenci Sayısı
Kurs Adı      
İş İngilizcesi Plus 10 Ders (7.5 Saat/Haftalık)1400-Gündüz-Öğleden SonraB112
Mini Grup İngilizce Plus 10 Ders175150140Gündüz-Öğleden Sonra



IELTS Plus 10 Ders135115-Gündüz-Öğleden SonraB112
TOEIC Plus 10 Ders135--Gündüz-Öğleden SonraB112
Akademik İngilizce 10 Ders135135135Gündüz-Öğleden SonraB112
Konuşma 10 Ders135125120Gündüz-Öğleden SonraBütün Seviyeler12
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Iels Malta Location

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Iels Malta

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