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Pavia University

  • Pavia
  • Italy
  • University

General Information About Pavia University

University of Pavia
Getting a university education in a country that was home to the Renaissance is among the ideals of many people. Italy, which has the oldest universities in the world, is a country that has both preserved its traditional university culture and blended this structure with modern education elements. Turkish students are very eager to study in Italy, as it is culturally similar to Turkey. For this reason, the number of university applications in Italy is often higher than in many European countries. There is a serious demand for even the smallest universities in the country. Studying at a university in Italy also means spending at least 3 years in a country that is at the heart of fashion, sports and art for foreign students.

After graduation, foreign students are willing to stay in Italy with the effect of the connections they have established here and the language they have learned. Application requirements in Italy may differ slightly in each university and department. Studying at a university in one of the world's most tourist-attracting countries is, of course, a tremendous privilege for many young people.

Apart from the fact that the university education in the country is generally 3 years, there is no preparation stage, and the entrance conditions are reasonable, the fact that the country is in a hot climate zone is among the reasons why Turkish students prefer Italy. Although it is not as popular as cities such as Milan, Naples, Turin or Rome, we can define Pavia as a full student city. While preparing for the University of Pavia, the largest university in Pavia, you can take your application process one step further with the difference of NGGlobal.

Basic Information About the University of Pavia
The University of Pavia, which is an ideal institution for a master's degree in Italy, is one of the most elite universities in Europe. Pavia University offers serious opportunities, especially for those who want to develop their career abroad. Pavia University, one of the country's well-established educational institutions, was founded in 1461. In fact, some sources show that the foundation year dates back to much earlier periods. It has around 30 thousand active students in total, some of which are foreign students.

It is possible to talk about an average of 3,000 international student population at the university. 2700 academicians serve at the University of Pavia, which is an attractive university for postgraduate studies in Italy. In particular, the medical faculty of the University of Pavia has a worldwide reputation. Therefore, Pavia University is an ideal address for Turkish students who want to study medicine abroad. Today, it has cooperated with about 700 universities around the world within the scope of Erasmus. Pavia University graduates around 6 thousand students in one academic year.

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Pavia University Education Programs

Programs at University of Pavia
Although many departments of Pavia University attract attention from foreign students, it is possible to say that especially structures and engineering-based departments are at the forefront. At the University of Pavia, the undergraduate period is 3 years as standard. At the same time, the percentage of people who graduated from university finding a job is quite high. Below you can find some popular English master's courses.

Medicine and surgery 6 years
Msc  Building Engineering and Architecture;
Msc Civil Engineering for Mitigation of Risk from Natural Hazards;
Msc Computer Engineering; 
Msc Economics, Finance and International Integration;
Msc Electronic Engineering;
Msc Enviromental Engineering - Curriculum in REACH: REsilience to climAte CHange effects
Msc Electrical Engineering
Msc Industrial Automation Engineering;
Msc International Business and Entrepreneurship; 
Msc Molecular Biology and Genetics; 
Msc World Politics and International Relations.
Msc Psychology, Neuroscience and Human Sciences 
Msc European Languages, Cultures and Societies in Contact
Msc Lifelong Well-being and Healthy Aging
Msc International Business and Entrepreneurship
Msc Agri Food Sustainability
Msc Master's Program in Economics, Development and Innovation
Msc in Finance
Msc in Neurobiology
Msc in Physical Sciences - Biomedical Physics Curriculum
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Pavia University Tuition Fees

University of Pavia Tuition Fees
In particular, the tuition fees of Pavia University, the economic situation of the foreign student's family, the student's special achievements, the country of origin, etc. determined taking into account. It will be sufficient to contact us for the most up-to-date tuition fees.

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Pavia University Application & Admission Requirements

University of Pavia Application Dates
Students who want to apply to Pavia University should prepare their application files together during the spring months. In applications with high demand, the time is usually kept short.

University of Pavia Application and Admission Requirements
Candidates who complete their files completely and meet the basic conditions have a high chance at the application stage. The basic conditions set by the University of Pavia are as follows:

  • To end 12 years of basic education in our country.
    This chance continues for students who are placed in any university. Students who successfully complete their first year can apply.
    During the application, you must prepare your transcript, CV, reference letter, and language proficiency document.
    Online application results will be announced online in a very short time.
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Pavia About

About Pavia City
A small, modest and peaceful city, Pavia is capable of meeting all the expectations of foreign students. Clubs, activities, excursions, events, etc., especially created by the university administration and students. It accelerates the adaptation of foreign students. Here you can also turn to Italian language courses, which are offered free of charge.

Due to the proximity of Pavia to Milan, students organize trips to this region on weekends. Milan and Pavia are only half an hour away. Almost everything is designed with students in mind, as students make up a significant portion of the city's population. By the way, Pavia is one of the best sports cities. In fact, it has crowned this situation by being selected as the European Sports City in 2014.

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Pavia University Location

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Pavia University

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